What is a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck is an operation to remove excess skin especially from the lower abdomen that has accumulated over time and has lengthened the navel. This skin no longer adapts to or fits with the inner tissue. This is usually caused by pregnancy or extreme weight loss whether through liposuction etc. By removing excess skin from the bikini line area the remaining skin can be tightened.
What happens in an initial consultation?
The doctor and patient have a thorough discussion. The area is measured and the new position for the navel is marked.
Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
This is ideal for those who cannot get rid of excess abdominal tissue despite exercise and diet. Accumulating fat can cause moisture to build up and problems with ventilation, which can lead to skin problems.
How safe is a tummy tuck?
The operation is safe. It must be clear to the patient that this procedure cannot produce a model’s body. A tummy tuck is a way to flatten and tighten the abdominal region.
How long do results last?
The results last a long time as long as the patient does not regain 10 or 20 kg of bodyweight following the operation increasing the overall volume again.
How long does the operation take?
The operation is usually combined with a liposuction to remove any remaining fat. It usually takes about two hours.
How bad is the pain during and after the operation?
The operation is painless as it is done under general anesthesia.
Is a tummy tuck always possible?
A tummy tuck is not always possible and is not recommended for everyone. It depends on the patient’s individual situation.
Are there alternatives to a tummy tuck?
There is no alternative to a tummy tuck if there is a lot of excess skin. Massages and weight loss are helpful.
Does an inpatient stay have to be scheduled?
A 1-2 night inpatient stay is necessary. A redon drain is used after the operation to drain off blood from secondary bleeding.
When will I be fit and ready to get back to daily life again?
Exercise and physical strain are to be avoided for at least 2-3 weeks following the operation. After this time these activities can gradually be reintroduced.
What precautions should be taken after the operation?
Massages of the stomach and lymph drainage are strongly recommended so water drains off faster. Special compression garments have to be used to support the newly shaped skin.
Will there be any visible scarring?
The operation is done in the frontal area between the pelvic bone from right to left. There is some scarring in the bikini area. A second correction operation is necessary for some tummy tuck patients. This can be done under local anesthesia after about 8-10 months.
Are there any risks or side effects?
Risks include bleeding, secondary bleeding, inflammation or complications healing.
What type of anesthesia are used and will I have to stay overnight?
The operation is done under general anesthesia.
Can I see before and after photos?
Before and after photos are available.